
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on lokakuu, 2018.

Burial: the elusive artist

It’s a standard in today’s media for artists of all fields to get active on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat Facebook – you name it. It’s easy, free advertising and marketing for the performers as they have all the tools imaginable to get closer to the fanbase with these services globally. Famous people are writing autobiographies, doing interviews, different advertising campaigns and just getting themselves out there in general, be it the news, TV or social media. Rewind back to 2005, when Facebook was just a little inside website for US colleges, there was no Twitter, not to mention the social medias of the current smartphone era. There was MySpace, which was specifically targeted for music artist and fans. It was commonplace for artists of the early 00s to rise to popularity and major label deals through it. One of them was Burial, an electronic music artist from London, UK. Eerie, chilled and soulful electronic beats that quickly garnered cult fol